Multiplier event in Gliwice, Poland


Date: 3.06.2024

On the 3rd of June, 2024 we organised a multiplier event in collaboration with the Silesian University of Technology, at their conference hall on the Gliwice campus.

The turnout at the multiplier event was around 127 participants. 57 students and teachers were invited from four local primary schools. There were also 24 students who took part in the project together with 26 other students from various classes attending our school. Additionally, there were around 20 online participants from our partner– Academic Secondary School in Rybnik, Poland.

The multiplier event started at 9 am with registration and attendance list signing. Waiting for all participants to gather, the guests could see the exhibition documenting the Polish mobility and showing the "REPURPOSE" eco-tips worked out by international groups in Poland. The school headteacher and the project coordinator opened the ceremony with a speech presenting the objectives of the "We are Green Europe" project. The headteacher informed the public of the IO1 and IO2 and how they could be implemented in our schools and private lives. For that purpose, we shared the links to IO1 and IO2 materials with the invited teachers from the primary schools. We also uploaded the links on our school website for future reference.

The speech was followed by project participants' testimonials in which they shared their memories of the international mobilities they had gone to. They explained blow-by-blow the ideas of the "5R" they had focused on in different countries. They also emphasised how they benefited educationally, intellectually, socially, and emotionally from the Erasmus + project. Next, with regards to the main theme, all the primary pupils went to the University Student Creativity Centre and took part in ecological workshops led by our school students. They made tote bags out of their old T-shirts. Meanwhile, the teachers met with the representative of the local Erasmus+ projects InnHUB, based in Katowice and they got informed about opportunities and an application process for various projects.

The next point on the multiplier event agenda was a lecture on ecology, entitled: "Invisible Heroes of the Green Europe", delivered by a professor, the head of the Science Promotion Centre of the Silesian University of Technology. The lecture explained in a comprehensive way how microorganisms turn our sewage waste into fertilizers, fuel, and energy. It was broadcast to our partner school in Rybnik and recorded on YouTube for later reference.

LINK to: "We_are_Green_Europe_Erasmus_Plus_Project_MPE_lecture":

The multiplier event finished with a question session about the project and its IOs. The guest schools were given souvenirs – insect houses together with seed bombs and a set of flower meadow seeds. The presents were supposed to encourage the schools to implement the ecological values and to remind them of the "5R" principles. The refreshment afterward was a good opportunity to share opinions and good practices on eco activities and events that can be planned for the future. The multiplier event finished at 2 pm.

Link to multiplier event: